Peter Dulborough

Touch (2025)

1. Couplets of the heart








Letting go of the unneeded





Out of     





2. A Golden Thread

Verse 1

A golden thread leading to another world

The chords of hope light the room and darkened walls

Sound of the horn its magic fills the evening air

Sound of a horn in melancholy cheer

Chorus 1 

Do not despair, music’s everywhere

Do not despair, music’s everywhere

For those who dwell on the magic of the evening air

Do not despair, music’s everywhere

Verse 2 

The fading light at dusk begins to fall

And hunched he sits – guitar and face turned towards the wall

A London bedsit stands with shutters closed

But the thinnest string brings forth the sweetest notes

Chorus 2 

Do not despair, music’s everywhere

Do not despair, music’s everywhere

For those who dwell on the magic of the evening air

Do not despair, music’s everywhere


Where is the secret land living by the breeze?

Where is the River Man hidden in the trees?

Verse 3

A golden thread leading to another world

The chords of hope warm the hearts and darkened walls

A horn does sound the parting of the day

A horn does sound the parting of the ways

Last Chorus (as above)

3. John’s colours

Verse 1     

Rolling in on waves

Emotions rise and soar 

Some days you feel them more 

Healing comes in time 

Moments in a day 

You’re overwhelmed with pain

Feelings rise and grow

Colours swirl and glow

Like swallows on the flow

The freedom that you show

Chorus 1    

John’s colours (x4)

Verse 2     

A vision that you showed

Complexity and form

The brushwork shows it all

So positive and bold

The subtle detail show

The depth within your soul 

A flame of orange fire

A yellow heart of hope

A castle and a moat

Intensity of light

Illuminate the sky

It’s here where you reside

Feelings rise and grow   

Colours swirl and glow

Like swallows on the flow

The freedom that you show

Chorus 2  (as above)

4. Where the Pole Star lies


Verse 1

The Great Bear’s riding high tonight

Majestic creature of the sky

I trace ‘the Pointers’ with my eye

They lead to where the Pole Star lies

An ever-fixed light


Chorus 1

A cooling breeze upon my brow

A burning fire within my soul

A darkened room without a door

An open cliff above an empty shore

And I’m crying out for love

I’m calling out for more

I’m walking all alone

I’m looking in the darkness in the door


Verse 2

You left me on a summer’s night

You took your place among the stars

The Great Bear sees my wounded heart

And turns towards the Northern sky

An ever-fixed light


Chorus 2

A cooling breeze upon my brow

A burning fire within my soul

A darkened room, an open door

An open path that leads towards the shore

And I’m walking with the stars

I’m lost within the night

I’m looking high above

I find your constellation as my guide.

Where the Pole Star lies 


Verse 3 (as verse 1)

5. Heart wave










6. Touch


Verse 1 

I walked across the hillside to the dawning of the day

I couldn’t take another step and rested on the gate

My wiry, old companion said it wouldn’t do to stay

To give up now is madness, find the strength find the way


Verse 2

I told him I would linger on the brow of this old hill

But the more I thought of tiredness the tireder I did feel

‘Listen to the music lying deep within your heart’ 

The words he said encouraged me and helped me carry on


Chorus 1  

To Love till there’s nothing left love

Hope till there’s nothing left to hope

Feel when there’s nothing left to feel … ooh

Touch when there’s nothing left to touch


Verse 3         

It seemed that all my hope had gone, and everything was dead

It seemed the sun had left the sky, the stars had gone to bed

One by one with reasons gone the peace within my heart

Drained of every ounce of strength, and all that I had known


Chorus 2

Love till there’s nothing left love 

Hope till there’s nothing left to hope 

Fight till there’s nothing left to fight  

Cry till there’s nothing left to cry

Feel when there’s nothing left to feel

Touch when there’s nothing left to touch

7. Leave the Shadows


Four grey walls, four grey towers overlook a space of flowers

A lady sits and weaves for hours 

Caught amongst her web of shadows 

A web of shadows.


Verse 1

Endlessly within her room, a lady sits and works the loom for hours

A mirror stands to help her see images she’d see if she took courage

Sounds of laughter enter in, the smell of summer grass

Remind her of a life outside waiting to be found

But long ago a spell was cast it trapped her in her mind 

If she ever she did look outside, she’d wither and she’d die



If she walked across the room, see the water lilies bloom

Leave the shadows

Take three paces from the loom, see the dreams are waiting at her window   



You, you don’t have to be afraid 

You leave the shadows far away   

You’re not the Lady of Shalott


Last verse

Four grey walls, four grey towers overlook a space of flowers

A lady sits and weaves for hours caught amongst her web of shadows

Reflections of reality and all she’d like to be

Are caught within the mirror, but she’s longing to be free

Until one day the moment came when she could understand 

The magic that would change her life lay waiting in her mind



She left the mirror and the loom, looked around and said: 

‘I’m sick of shadows!’

She took three paces across the room

See the water lilies bloom, left the shadows.



You, you don’t have to be afraid 

You leave the shadows far away   

Break the spell step outside and greet the day

You, you don’t have to be afraid 

You leave the shadows far away   

Break the spell step outside and greet the day

Step outside and greet the day

Step outside and greet the day 

8. Lightness of touch 


There is light at last

As the darkness begins to pass

There is hope in our hearts

And the warmth of our love

For the time that has passed

For the days that we’ve lost

For the years still to come
